Welcome to the A-CAPP Center Glossary
We last updated this page on February, 2022. For suggestions, please email acapp@msu.edu.
- ad-hoc remedial program
- adulterated goods
- alleged
- analytics
- anti-counterfeiting technology
- Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA)
- benchmarking
- Berne Convention
- best practice
- beyond a reasonable doubt
- brand protection
- breach of contract (contractual breach)
- business case
- business enterprise
- C-TPAT (Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism)
- cease and desist
- certified refurbished
- chain of command
- civil law
- civil matter (or case)
- claim
- clear and convincing evidence
- co-mingling
- Commerce Clause (U.S. Constitution)
- common law
- compliance
- contribution margin
- copyright
- cost benefit analysis
- counterfeit
- counterfeit mark
- counterintelligence
- criteria matrix
- customs recordation
- damages
- design patent
- dilution
- distributor
- diversion
- diverted product
- DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
- e-commerce
- enabler
- end user
- ex parte
- Feedback Manipulation (also known as Feedback Padding)
- Feedback Padding (also known as Feedback Manipulation)
- first sale doctrine
- first-to-file system
- first-to-use
- forfeiture
- Freedom to Operate
- generic
- genuine
- geolocations
- gray market (or grey market)
- halo effect
- In Personam
- informant
- information management
- infringement
- injunction
- intangible assets
- intellectual property
- international exhaustion
- international law
- jurisdiction
- just in time
- knock-off (or knock off)
- Lanham Act
- liquidation
- Madrid Agreement
- Madrid Protocol
- Madrid System
- market monitors
- mens rea
- metrics
- misappropriation
- mitigate
- mitigation
- moral rights
- national exhaustion
- nullity
- online take downs
- parallel import
- parallel market
- parasite brand
- patent
- Patent Cooperation Treaties (PCT)
- patent infringement
- piracy
- pre-owned refurbished
- probable cause
- product authentication
- proprietary information
- recall
- refurbishing
- remedy
- repackaging
- retail
- return on investment
- risk assessment
- standard of proof
- statutory damages
- sua sponte
- sui generis
- supply chain
- supply chain management
- tampering
- termite brand
- track and trace
- trade dress
- trade secret
- trademark
- Trademark Amendments Act (1999)
- Trademark Counterfeiting Act (1984)
- trademark infringement
- wholesale