March 21: Open only to brand owners, law enforcement & academics only
March 22-23: Open to entire brand protection community
Join us for our 6th and first summit since the pandemic hosted for our brand protection professional partners. Attendees will share, learn, and network with one another through open, collaborative, meaningful, and participant-led conversations within the context of our four strategic themes.
Changes to our summit:
Our summit has traditionally been a closed event for brand owners, law enforcement, government and academia to have open discussions on brand protection challenges and solutions in a vendor-free and third party-free environment. While we recognize the benefits of this, we also want to be inclusive of the entire brand protection community and every organizations unique contribution to fighting trademark counterfeiting. With that in mind, we will be hosting the first day of our summit in our traditional manner with a closed event for brand owners, law enforcement, government, and academia. The second and third days will be open to all in brand protection and anti-counterfeiting. As always, we remain a sales-free environment. We ask that you engage in our summit to learn and share but refrain from selling.
Over the course of our summit, day sessions will be open to sectors of the brand protection community (see below) and will include interactive discussions through panels, hot topic sessions, high top talks, and strategy sessions that will focus on the four strategic themes of the A-CAPP Center:
- Impact of Technology, Online Sales, and Emerging Policy on Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting
- Global Impact of Counterfeiting
- Consumers and Counterfeiting
- Brand Protection Education for Current & Future Workforce
Tuesday, March 21
Open to brand owners, law enforcement, and academic partners only
Summit Welcome
Increasing Regulation of the Online Space
Panel: INFORM Consumers Act and SHOP Safe- Two Years After Introduction, Where are We?
High Tops: Government and Law Enforcement Resources
Panel: Counterfeit Sales Online: The Intersection of Research, Consumer Behavior, and Social Media
A-CAPP Advisory Industry Board Welcome
Michael Hecht, Legal Manager, the LEGO Group and A-CAPP Advisory Board Member (BIO)
A-CAPP Education Programs
Deep Dives
Break and Hightops: Student Highlights
Panel: The Global Impact of Counterfeit and Other Illicit Trade
Wednesday, March 22
Open to brand protection community
Keynote: How a Wide Range of Charges Can Build a Stronger Investigation
Steve Francis, Acting Executive Associate Director, HSI (BIO)
Panel: What to do With All Your Data?
Break and High Tops: Student Highlights
Panel: How Decriminalizing THC has Created an Entire New Category of Dangerous Food Counterfeits
Deep Dives
A-CAPP Awards
Panel: Life Cycle of the Victim’s Role in an Intellectual Property Criminal Case
Panel: The Brand Protection Professional Volume 8 | Number 1 LIVE Edition – BP Forum: The Intersection of CSR and Brand Protectiond Brand Protection
High Tops: The Brand Protection Professional (BPP) Shelves and Break
Panel: A-CAPP Alum Showcase
The Brand Protection Professional Temperature Test Live Poll Results and Adjourn
Summit Reception
Thursday, March 23
Open to brand protection community
Keynote: Summit Reflections
Roy Albiani, Director, Global Brand Protection, Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices (BIO)
Panel: INFORM Consumers Act: What Does Implementation Look Like?
Deep Dives
Panel: How Cybersecurity and Online Brand Protection Can Intersect
Summit Closing
Who Should Attend the A-CAPP Summit?
Brand protection professionals in any level of role (entry level to experienced) engaged in intellectual property rights protection or enforcement.
How the A-CAPP Summit Benefits Your Organization
The global risk of counterfeit products is rapidly growing and evolving, with enormous detrimental effects on brand owners, consumers, and society. The A-CAPP Center provides a central location for thought leadership in brand protection and anti-counterfeiting as an independent, interdisciplinary evidence-based hub, designed to assist in protecting brands and products of all industries worldwide.
We are looking forward to hosting our 6th Brand Protection Strategy Summit, where we provide a collaborative space for brand protection professionals to strategize about the most critical issues and their solutions. To facilitate open dialogue our summit is a vendor-free and includes no third-party interference on day one.
A unique feature, the A-CAPP Summit showcases the Center’s research on anti-counterfeiting and brand protection and gives you access to cutting edge ideas and developments and an opportunity to speak with internationally-recognized professors on these issues.
The Summit consists of three days of sessions led by your peers, as well as brand protection. You will have an opportunity for in-depth networking and collaboration in a smaller event atmosphere. Additionally, you will have an opportunity to network with the Center’s Industry Advisory Board and corporate partners, who are global leaders in the field of brand protection and our student interns.
What Prior A-CAPP Center Summit Attendees Gained
Networking, research collaboration, exposure to common challenges in the industry, networking with other brand owners, knowledge exchange, latest information on brand protection, open dialogue, and more.
What Does Registration Include?
The registration fee includes admittance into the Summit on March 21-23, 2023, the Summit Reception on March 22, 2023, all meals/beverages on March 21-23, 2023, and event parking.
Unlike many other conference hosts, Michigan State University is not an association that collects membership dues to provide seed money to support its events, and we work to keep registration rates lower than the industry average so all organizations can attend. As a result, our events would not be possible without support from our sponsors. Reach the 500+ stakeholders A-CAPP partners with and be seen as helping the greater good in the fight against counterfeit products and protecting brands by sponsoring the 2023 Summit!
Thank you to our 2023 Summit Sponsors!




Thank you to our 2023 Summit Partners!

Our 2023 Summit will be held direclty across from MSU’s campus in downtown East Lansing at the Marriott East Lansing at University Place, located at 300 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing, Michigan 48823.
Special summit lodging rates have been secured here until March 6, 2023. Rooms are limited and attendees are encouraged to make their reservations by mid-February. Attendees must book through this site to receive the special rate.
The A-CAPP Center Brand Protection Strategy Summit is an event hosted for the benefit of its brand owning partners and limits participation of vendors, service providers, lawyers, and/or consultants. Non-brand owners may only attend the summit on the days permitted and shall not solicit any sales during the event.
The views and opinions of speakers and participants at summit events do not necessarily reflect those of Michigan State University, the A-CAPP Center, its Industry Advisory Board, including member companies, or summit sponsors, and should not be used for endorsement, advertising purposes, or as legal advice. By registering for the summit, attendees acknowledge that their contact information may be included in the conference materials provided to all attendees, as well as the Center’s internal contact lists. By attending the Summit, attendees acknowledge that their image may be captured and used in research, educational and public service programs.
Cancellations made 20 or more days from the summit start date are subject to a $60 cancellation fee. Cancellations made within 20 days of the summit date will not be refunded. Transfer of registration within a company is allowed, but must be submitted via email to at least 1 business day prior to the conference start date. Registration cancellations made due to inappropriate registrations by individuals from outside of the allowable participants categories are subject to the cancellation policy.
Conference registration costs are determined by attendee type. Registration for brand owners is $375.00; law firms, technology providers, service providers, e-commerce providers, & investigators (any other private sector organizations) is $500.00; independant consultants and brand protection professionals in between jobs is $100.00; non-profit, government, law enforcement or academic organization is $0.00. Conference registrations are to be paid in full at the time of registration. In the event that a person registers in violation of the registration categories above, their registration will be cancelled and fees paid will be refunded according to the cancellation policy above.
The Center Director has discretion for all issues related to and including registration, admission, and attendance.