Brand Protection Strategy Summit
Marriott at University Place | East Lansing, MI
March 12-14, 2024
Monday, March 11
Open for brand owners, law enforcement, and academic partners only
Capitol Room
Executive Education: Protecting Your Brand in China
Join Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI (QBPC) Chair, Michael Ding, and Vice Chair, William Mansfield for unique insights and guidance into protecting your brand effectively in China. This one-of-a-kind executive education session will have three components.
- Case Studies: Successful Brand Protection Efforts in China
- Bad Faith Trademark Registrations: How Can You Increase Success in Protecting Your Brand in China?
- Administrative Action: The Alternative Enforcement Approach You Never Heard Of?
This executive education session is open to all, regardless of Summit registration. This is an add-on to our Summit that requires a separate registration ticket that can be obtained through our Summit registration.
This Executive Education is hosted by the A-CAPP Center in partnership with QBPC and IBC, MSU.

Welcome Gathering
Join A-CAPP and other Summit attendess in an informal welcome. Stop by to say hello, have a drink, and a bite to eat.
Tuesday, March 12
Open for brand owners, law enforcement, and academic partners only
University Ballroom
- Kari Kammel, Director, A-CAPP Center and Adjunct Professor, College of Law, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
Panel: Trends in Third Party Sales of Counterfeit Goods on E-Commerce and Social Media
This session will explore trends that are being seen specifically related to third party sales of counterfeit goods on e-commerce and social media globally. While this phenomena has continued to increase in size and scale, it also overlaps with other types of fraud.
- Kari Kammel, Director, A-CAPP Center and Adjunct Professor, College of Law, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
Panel: Global Shields – Best Practices for Comprehensive Brand Protection Strategies and Programs
This panel will explore various experts’ experiences creating, managing, or growing global brand protection programs, strategies, and efforts.
University Ballroom
University Ballroom
Panel: Clicks and Choices – Deciphering Global Consumer Behavior Online
Despite reactive and proactive measures to protect consumers from buying counterfeits, and with the proliferation of e-commerce and social commerce, consumer demand for counterfeit is growing at an unstoppable pace. Panelists will be discussing the importance of understanding consumer behaviors and motivations related to buying counterfeits and the potential impact that would have on brand protection efforts.
- Ellary Petchauer, Section Chief, Commercial Fraud Unit, IPR Center (BIO)
- Saleem Alhabash, Associate Director of Research, A-CAPP Center & Professor, Advertising & Public Relations, MSU (BIO)
- Tania Maestas, Deputy Executive Director & General Counsel, AGA (BIO)
- Zach Toczynski, Senior Director, Global Brand Protection, Levi Strauss & Co. & A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board Member (BIO)
University Ballroom
A-CAPP Advisory Board Welcome
- Zach Toczynski, Senior Director, Global Brand Protection, Levi Strauss & Co. & A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board Member (BIO)
University Ballroom
- Alaina van Horn, Chief, Intellectual Property Enforcement Branch, Office of Trade, CBP (BIO)
University Ballroom
ACAPP Research Updates & Academic/Industry Research Partnership Opportunities
- Saleem Alhabash, Associate Director of Research, A-CAPP Center & Professor, Advertising & Public Relations, MSU (BIO)
Deep Dives
Collaborating: Michigan Brand Protection Roundtable
- Carrie Feeheley, Assistant Director of Education and Outreach, A-CAPP Center, MSU (BIO)
Research: Feasibility of RFID for Pharma Traceability – An Industry Driven Study
- Bahar Aliakbarian, Professor & Senior Director of Research & Development, Axia Institute, MSU (BIO)
- John Hatfield, Executive Director, Axia Institute, MSU (BIO)
Practice: Measuring the Risk of Illicit Trade for Optimizing Brand Protection Strategy: A Predictive Analytics Approach
- Kevin Babyak, Senior Data Scientist, Global Brand Protection, Johnson & Johnson (BIO)
Practice: Steering Your Brand Through Crisis
- Erika Austin, Director of Licensing, MSU (BIO)
Practice: Cultural and Societal Influences Impacting IP Enforcement in Latin America
- Charisma Hampton, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Policy and International Affairs, USPTO (BIO)
University Ballroom
Research Spotlight: Survey Result Insights – Consumers’ Perception of the Risk When Buying Through E-Retail and Social Media
- Pat Huddleston, Director, Information and Media PhD Program, Advertising & Public Relations, & A-CAPP Research Council Member, MSU (BIO)
- Anastasia Kononova, Associate Professor, Advertising & Public Relations, & A-CAPP Research Council Member, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
High Tops: Student Highlight and Break
A-CAPP Center Student Internship & Mentorship Program
- Carrie Feeheley
University Licensing Program
- Emily Blue
Axia Institute
- John Hatfield
- Bahar Aliakbarian
College of Law
- Alana Glass
Criminal Justice Graduate Programs
- Allison Rojek
International Business Center
- Ahmet Kirca
- Hannah Pszenica
A-CAPP Center Research Student
- Heijin Lee
A-CAPP Center Student Researcher
- Gabriel Wrobel
A-CAPP Center Student Researcher
- Jacob Jones
A-CAPP Center Student Researcher & 2023-2024 DEI Scholar
- Amaiya Jones
University Ballroom
Broad Museum
Reception for A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board and BP Council Members
Broad Museum
Opening Reception
Reception for all summit attendees
Wednesday, March 13
Open to brand protection community
University Ballroom
- Saleem Alhabash, Associate Director of Research, A-CAPP Center & Professor, Department of Advertising & Public Relations, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
- Eric Sturbis, Asstistant Attorney General, Department of Attorney General, State of Michigan
University Ballroom
Panel: Legal Frontiers in IP Protection – Navigating Legislative Updates in Anti-Counterfeiting
This panel will explore perspectives from legal experts and representatives of brands on recent and proposed legislation in the U.S. and EU on anti-counterfeiting and related concepts, such as third party sale of counterfeit on e-commerce and looking forward to potential legislation on AI.
University Ballroom
University Ballroom
Panel: A-CAPP Center Alums Unplugged – Insights into Former Students’ Brand Protection Journeys
This panel will explore recent A-CAPP Center student alums who now work in various aspects of brand protection and anti-counterfeiting to share their early career experiences.
- Carrie Feeheley, Assistant Director of Education and Outreach, A-CAPP Center, MSU (BIO)
Deep Dives
Collaboration: WIPO: International Public/Private Partnerships
- Todd Reves, Director, Building Respect for IP Division, WIPO (BIO)
Research: Neuropsychology and Cognition of Counterfeiters (Fraudsters) – Legal & Forensic Psychology Perspective
- Javier Morales, Senior Consultant, Competitive Consulting Group (BIO)
Practice: Collaborating With Trade Associations for Your Brand Protection Efforts
- Tara Steketee, Chair, Anti Counterfeiting Committee, INTA
Research: The Counterfeit Wine Phenomenon
- Karen Edwards, Interim Associate Dean, College of Hospitality, Retail, & Sports Management, University of South Carolina (BIO)
- Sandy Strick, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, University of South Carolina (BIO)
Research: Leveraging a Conjoint Experimental Approach to Characterize Consumer Preferences for Buying Counterfeit Goods Online: Opportunities for Research Collaboration
- Tim Mackey, Associate Professor & Director of Global Health Policy Institute, University of California San Diego (BIO)
Summit Attendee Lunch
Campus Room
A-CAPP Center Student Internship Mentorship Lunch (closed lunch)
University Ballroom
A-CAPP Awards
- Kari Kammel, Director of A-CAPP and Adjunct Professor, College of Law, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
Student Speaker
- Gabriel Wrobel, 3L, College of Law and A-CAPP Law Student Extern, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
Panel: Hot Topics – A Case Study from Pharma: Do Externalities and Lack of Access Drive Consumers to Dangerous Online Sources for Meds?
Lack of access to controlled substances, weight loss injectables and other medications are increasingly leading consumers to unsafe online sources for medications, posing new challenges to brand protection and new health and safety risks to the public. Other externalities, from public policy to legal issues, will also be explored.
- Summer Kostelnik, Policy Advisor, IPEC Office, Executive Office of the US President (BIO)
- Daniel Burke, Chief, Investigative Services Division, Office of Criminal Investigations, FDA (BIO)
- Tim Mackey, Associate Professor & Director of Global Health Policy Institute, University of California San Diego (BIO)
- Linda Marks, Senior Litigation Counsel, US Department of Justice (BIO)
- Shabbir Imber Safdar, Executive Director, Partnership for Safe Medicines (BIO)
University Ballroom
Panel: Communicating the Importance of Brand Protection Across the Enterprise or Organization
Brand protection and anti-counterfeiting efforts are housed in different departments depending on the corporation or organization and often can operate in silos. Panelists will be discussing best practices in communicating the importance of brand protection efforts and work within their organization and how these communication efforts can help support brand protection.
University Ballroom
High Tops: Government & Law Enforcement Resources for IP Enforcement
US Food and Drug Administration
- Daniel Burke
US Department of Justice
- Linda Marks
- Adrienne Rose
Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator
Executive Office of the US President
- Summer Kostelnik
Oregon IP Task Force
- Theresa Turner
- Cheryl Waddell
US Patent and Trademark Office
- Charisma Hampton
US Customs and Border Protection
- Colin Colt
- Morgan McPherson
- Alaina van Horn
Attorney General Alliance
- Tania Maestas
Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center
- Sonny Kilmer
US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
Homeland Security Investigations
- Conor Dufrain
Michigan Department of Attorney General
- Eric Sterbis
- Michael Friese
Michigan State Police
- Steve Temelko and colleagues
Wordl Intellectual Property Organization
- Todd Reves
University Ballroom
Panel: Safeguarding IP in the Digital Age: Navigating AI and Finding Balance
This panel will explore how brand protection practitioners are using AI as a tool to combat intellectual property theft and illicit trade and the importance of balancing the use of AI in part of a greater holistic brand protection strategy.
- Kari Kammel, Director of A-CAPP and Adjunct Professor, College of Law, MSU (BIO)
- Nancy Merritt, Senior Director, Platform Partnerships and Enforcement, Tracer (BIO)
- Daniel Shapiro, Senior VP, Brand Relationships & Strategic Partnerships, Red Points (BIO)
- Kevin Weaver, Senior Director of Brand Protection Technology & Innovation, Johnson & Johnson & A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board Member (BIO)
University Ballroom
The Graduate Hotel
Summit Reception
Graduate Hotel (2nd floor)
133 Evergreen Avenue
The Graduate Hotel only has valet parking available. We recommend keeping your vehicle at the Marriott and walking (about 4 blocks).
Thursday, March 14
Open to brand protection community
University Ballroom
- Carrie Feeheley, Assistant Director of Education and Outreach, A-CAPP Center, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
- Anjana Susaria, Omura-Saxena Professor, Responsible AI, Accounting and Information Systems, MSU (BIO)
University Ballroom
Panel: IP Under Siege – Confronting the Growing Threat from AI Towards Trademarks and Copyrights
Join us in the panel discussing the growing threat from AI towards trademarks and copyrights, discussing actions by bad actors, the Executive Order, and the IPR Center/A-CAPP Center working group efforts.
- Kevin Weaver, Senior Director of Brand Protection Technology & Innovation, Johnson & Johnson & A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board Member (BIO)
University Ballroom
Deep Dives
Practice: Case Study – The Oregon IP Task Force
- Cheryl Waddell, Detective, Oregon IP Task Force, Portland Police Department (BIO)
Practice: Brand Protection- Considerations for Brands & Platforms Regarding Native American Goods
- Josh Hopping, Global Director of Investigations, Corsearch (BIO)
Practice: Brand Protection, e-Commerce and the Near Future: Consumer-Centric Enforcement, Return on Investment and Measuring Success
- Michael Hecht, Legal Manager, Digital, eCommerce, Marketplaces, The LEGO Group (BIO)
Practice: New Innovations of Drug Counterfeiters – Online Pharmacy Marketplaces, Fraudulent T3’s, and Compounded APIs for Sale on E-Commerce Platforms
- Shabbir Imber Safdar, Executive Director, Partnership for Safe Medicines (BIO)
Practice: Demystifying the CBP IP Enforcement Process
University Ballroom
Panel: Challenges and Best Practices for Building a Counterfeiting Case Across Borders
This panel will explore various experts’ experiences creating, managing, or growing global brand protection programs, strategies, and efforts.
- Cheryl Waddell, Detective, Oregon IP Task Force, Portland Police Department (BIO)
University Ballroom
Summit Closing
Capitol Room
A-CAPP Industry Advisory Board Meeting
This is a closed meeting for A-CAPP staff and advisory board members.
Thank you to our 2024 Summit Sponsors!