Join us for this event and the release of our Global Anti-Counterfeiting Consumer Survey results.
We are hosting a one-day event to share the most interesting findings and insights from our survey, to ignite the discussion on how to effectively educate consumers about the risks of counterfeiting.
USPTO Director Kathy Vidal will be a keynote speaker and IPR Center Director Jim Mancuso will also give opening remarks. We will have several panels focused on consumer behavior and consumer impact of counterfeit purchases. Our survey launch will include a 2 hour in-depth session discussing the findings.
At the Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection, we believe that consumer issues are of utmost importance for our research, education, and outreach activities, in addition to protecting the rights of brand owners. Understanding what consumers are purchasing online and why, as well as the ultimate impact of those choices is critical.
Obtaining data to better understand the dynamics behind these consumer perceptions and purchasing choices was an urgent first step in these efforts. Our research team from MSU’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations surveyed consumers from 17 different countries to examine the prevalence of counterfeit behavior and associated perceptions (descriptive analytics) and what predicts non-deceptive and deceptive purchase, as well as future purchase intentions (predictive analytics) within the context of online marketplaces. In the report we will release in September, the research team will share not only an overview of their findings, but actionable insights for those working to protect both consumers and brand owners.

The survey report includes global and country-specific differences in consumers’ beliefs and behaviors related to counterfeiting. We will detail how often consumers purchase counterfeit goods online and their perceptions about counterfeiting. We will also illustrate how demographic characteristics and counterfeit perceptions, attitudes, and threat assessments (psychographic attributes) impact counterfeit purchase behaviors. Additionally, through a global segmentation analysis, we will share the commonalities and differences among counterfeit non-buyers, occasional buyers, and frequent buyers. Attendees will gain clear, actionable steps to reduce counterfeiting and protect consumers, whatever their role in brand protection, policy, or law enforcement efforts.
Our full report, available for purchase on September 19, will include deep dives into each country surveyed and its consumers. Attendees of the event will be emailed a special discount code to purchase the PDF report.
The event will not be live-streamed or recorded.
Interested in additional training in brand protection? Join us for one or both of our executive trainings on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. More information coming soon!
*the report is free to government and academics. Please contact Sara Heeg to learn how to obtain the report.
Tuesday, September 19
- What is trademark counterfeiting and where is it occurring?
- How does trademark counterfeiting impact brands and consumers?
- What are some other areas of overlap with counterfeiting that should be addressed in brand protection?
- Communicating to Consumers about Counterfeits: Evidence-Based Strategies for Awareness-Raising and Attitude/Behavior Change
An overview of anti-counterfeiting consumer education by highlighting theory-driven and evidence-based approaches to raising consumers’ awareness about the dangers of buying counterfeit products and changing their attitudes and behaviors toward counterfeit purchase. - From Insights to Strategies: Leveraging Insights from the A-CAPP Global Consumer Survey to Educate Consumers about Counterfeiting Risks
An overview of actionable insights from the 2023 A-CAPP Global Consumer Survey, where participants will engage in interactive exercises of leveraging data-driven approaches to awareness-raising and attiitude/behavior change interventions and strategies to effectively change consumers’ attitudes toward the purchase of counterfeit product.
Wednesday, September 20
Whatever your role in the brand protection industry, the survey results will inform your work going forward.
Understand why consumers choose a counterfeit product rather than your authentic product and use that information to shift business practices and advertising as needed on a country-specific or region-specific basis, or overall.
Use the survey results to better understand consumer motives for purchasing counterfeit goods, and for insights into how counterfeiters best reach the public to sell their goods – and thus how best to stop counterfeiting in your jurisdiction.
Create more effective policies preventing counterfeiting and enforcing anti-counterfeiting legislation and regulating online marketplaces by better understanding consumer behaviors and perceptions.
Advocate for policies that will help consumers and brands successfully with insights into consumer behaviors and how those impact both consumers and brands.
Use this research as a springboard for your own research and teaching.
As you assist brands in searching for infringements and counterfeit products, better understanding country-specific behaviors and perceptions can help with your work.
By better understanding consumer perceptions and behaviors purchasing counterfeit goods online, help protect them in the marketplace through your policies and practices.
The views and opinions of speakers and participants at summit events do not necessarily reflect those of Michigan State University, the A-CAPP Center, its Industry Advisory Board, including member companies, or summit sponsors, and should not be used for endorsement, advertising purposes, or as legal advice. By registering for the event, attendees acknowledge that their contact information may be included in the conference materials provided to all attendees, as well as the Center’s internal contact lists. By attending the Summit, attendees acknowledge that their image may be captured and used in research, educational and public service programs.
Cancellations made 20 or more days from the summit start date are subject to a $60 cancellation fee. Cancellations made within 20 days of the summit date will not be refunded. Transfer of registration within a company is allowed, but must be submitted via email to at least 1 business day prior to the conference start date. Registration cancellations made due to inappropriate registrations by individuals from outside of the allowable participants categories are subject to the cancellation policy.
Conference registration costs are determined by attendee type.
Vendors, law firms, e-commerce platforms | $750 | $750 | $1,350 | $500 |
Brands | $750 | $750 | $1,350 | $350 |
Non-profit & academia | $750 | $750 | $1,350 | $100 |
Government | $150 | $150 | $250 | FREE |
The Center Director has discretion for all issues related to and including registration, admission, and attendance.
Travel to the IPR Center
Lodging for the Event
There are no room blocks for lodging and attendees are encouraged to make lodging arrangements at their convenience and preference. The following is an alphabetical listing of hotels close to the IPR Center. The asterisk notates the four hotels that are within walking distance. For additional information on nearby hotels please visit Hotels | City Life | National Landing
Event Location at the IPR Center
Unlike many other conference hosts, Michigan State University is not an association that collects membership dues to provide seed money to support its events, and we work to keep registration rates lower than the industry average so all organizations can attend. As a result, our events would not be possible without support from our sponsors. Reach the 500+ stakeholders A-CAPP partners with and be seen as helping the greater good in the fight against counterfeit products and protecting brands by sponsoring the event!
Registration Sponsor

Break Sponsor